​Eurobonds Restructuring-Information for Creditors​

Ministry of Finance Finalized the Execution​​​​ of the S​uspension of Eurobond Prescription Periods (Arabic | English​)

Council of ​Ministers​ Approves Suspension of Eurobond Prescription Periods untill 9 March 2028 (Ar​abic | Eng​lish)

Lebanese Creditor Update -​ Q&A


General Situation Update for ​Lebanon's Creditors 11 May 2022

Bondholder Update 29​ July 2020

Investor Presentation ​27 March 2020​​​

MOF​ Investor Presentation 5pm on March 27th (Arabic | English​)

23-03-2020. Lebanon will discontinue payments on all it​s foreign currency denominated Eurobonds​ (Arabic | English)

07-03-2020. Lebanon announces​​​​ decision to withhold all paymen​ts on its USD 1.2bn bonds due 9 March 2020 and undertake structural reforms to stabilise and restart its economy​ (Arabic | Eng​lish)​